
Optimization consulting

The goal of optimization services is to improve efficiency or reduce costs by fine-tuning a business process or strategy.Our optimization consulting includes a variety of services for cost, network and processes and are equally important for both: logistics service user and logistics service provider. In our approach to optimisation, we put more attention towards identification of levers and diagnosis for required optimisation. Our approach in optimisation.

Cost Optimisation

In a business profit improvement is function of revenue and cost. Revenue and cost have different levers of improvement. Cost optimisation not only increases profitability and stakeholder value, it also releases scarce resources that can be reinvested into new strategic initiatives. Most of time companies gets carried away in cost pressure and crosses thin line between cost optimisation and cost cutting. In our approach some of the major levers of cost optimisation are in operational efficiency, automation, process redesign to eliminate waste, leakages in supply chain and procurement etc.

Infra resource optimisation

• Workforce productivity optimization

Operating cost optimisation

Admin cost optimisation

Inventory management enhancement

Transport Optimisation

Transportation cost contribute around more than one third of supply chain cost in India. In Transportation, Operating issues like volatile freight rates, fuel costs, poor capacity utilisation, inefficient route planning, port and highway congestion, empty miles and productivity impediments leads to higher cost and inefficiencies. We perform transportation modelling and simulations for your network which evaluates alternate in order to optimize transportation costs.

Transportation mode optimization

Captive Vs outsource logistics

RFQ management

Transport waste elimination

Fleet optimization

Network Optimisation

Supply chain network includes transportation, production, inventory and distribution. So, network optimization considers end-to-end activities and then perform optimization in order to determine the efficiency and cost scope of improvement. Today Controlling and reducing supply chain costs are major goals for most companies but also making the supply chain less complex and more responsive have become equally important. In our approach we first baseline all factors and then model it for optimized value. We use simulation tools like Llamasoft, Log-Hub for network optimization

Network optimisation

Route optimisation

Facility sizes decision


Service level optimization

Fleet management efficiency improvement
